Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Get Your Own Free GVO Video Website and Training Center

This GVO project is getting more and more interesting.
I signed up a few days ago and started getting notifications that people were signing up under me. I finally gave in and paid my $1 for the 14 day trial. People are continuing to sign up under me without me doing anything. I have my direct referrals too, on which I'll make more money.
People are emailing me to ask me what it's all about.

Well, Todd Gross and Derrick VanDyke have put together and amazing site which you too can have access to and it'll be branded with YOU affiliate id (if you signed up for that $1).

This is appropriate for even "mildly" experience marketers.. In fact, even for newbies!

No website or autresponder is needed to use YOUR GVO website.

Everything is done for you.. Plug YOUR affiliate id in here and this very site below will be yours, with your links, tools, video, emails, you name it:
YOU can brand this site with your links for "GVO".

Todd Gross and Derrick VanDyke been working all day on this, YOUR new site that's going to BLOW YOU AWAY!

It has an awesome video with Kiosk Owner, Joel Therien
and a KILLER sales letter written by Derrick Van Dyke. It
explains the compensation plan of the new GVO (the video part)

=> YOU can brand this site with your links for "GVO"

Just click "Promotion Tools" on the top right... Your site will be just like this too.

Need Traffic?

Download the "Automated Traffic Blueprint" in the new training center and start promoting!

We have MUCH more coming soon including a VIRAL Marketing System and Automated Followups!

You don't need a website or a list to be successful on our team because WE close the sale for you, WE follow up for you and WE will train you and give you all the promotion tools you'll need, such as this full site

You will be flushed out of the system tomorrow or tomorrow night if you don't complete your signup, just log into GVO here at Your GVO website
to pay that big dollar.
With these tools, you'll likely have the monthly fee covered

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