Friday, July 25, 2008

Yaro Starak's Blog Mastermind

Last year I was signed up for a while to Yaro Starak's Blog Mastermind. The membership gave me access to oodles of valuable information. One of my "classmates" was Alborz Fallah who went on to produce a phenomenal blog which was recently estimated to be worth $5 million dollars.
Alborz's blog is at

Here is the link to an audio interview between Alborz and his mentor Yaro Starak. Yaro is one of the best and most famous bloggers in the business.

It's worth a listen. You can also download the pdf file with the transcript. No Charge!

Audio interview between Yaro Starak and Alborz Fallah

To read my original review of this all encompassing and massive course on blogging see my previous post here.

1 comment:

telefon dinleme said...

thank you for comments