Monday, November 06, 2006

Reseller Rights - caveat emptor (buyer beware)

I wanted to mention something that you have to be really careful about.

If you sign up to different mailing lists like I have (usually in order to get freebies), you tend to hear from the mailing list owner on a daily basis. I get many, many mails with all kinds of offers.

This week I got a whopper freebie offer. There were about 9 pages loaded with all kinds of free stuff. That same day, I received offers from other people with only one or two of the products that I had already seen in the freebie offer. Except that people with reseller rights were now offering me the products for a much higher price tag.

Another thing that happened was that I received an offer for a product for $5 or $7 and that same day I got the same offer from someone else for (I think) $27. Wild, huh?
Just goes to show you that you really have to be careful before whipping out the credit card!!! it's like the wild west out there in internetland....


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