Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Larry Dotson's Secret Marketing Strategies

Hello, hello, hello. Yes, it's still me. I just changed my blog over from the old Blogger to the new one and have been busy adding all the stuff into the template that disappears in the move. It wasn't that painful and I hope I got it all in.
I also hope you like the new format!!

Today I want to tell you about another membership site with good information (yeah, I know that there are SO MANY of them).

It's Larry Dotson's Secret Marketing Strategies. Yeah, ok, so they're not that secret but I've had a look at the 189 page document and it does have some good strategies in there that every marketer should know about. When you go through it you can see how alot of marketers out there do use some of these strategies (like telling your prospects that you wrangled a good price out of the product owner special for them). Some of them sound a bit ridiculous, but they must work, because I've seen many, many marketers use them!! So, skedaddle (did I just say that?) on over and have a lok at Larry Dotson's Secret Marketing Strategies.

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Mike Perry said...

Enjoyed my visit to your blog, some interesting posts. Good luck with moving your sales and marketing expertise online.

Dena Gottlieb said...

Thanks for the compliment! You also have some really nice blogs.

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