Tuesday, May 15, 2007

John Chow - Make Money Online

Today I wanted to do a little review of a good blog I visited. It's called John Chow Dot Com and talks about how to make money online.
John Chow is a Canadian living in Vancouver. He used to work in the printing business but gave it up after a decade in order to "stake his claim on the internet".

His blog is informative and funny and always a good read. It's one of the most popular blogs on the net and has a Google Page Rank 6 (PR6). John will give you a link to your own blog if you write a short review of his blog and link back to it from the anchor text "make money online". That's because there are 44,000 Google searches monthly on that term!!!

I like a guy who doesn't take himself too seriously. John is one of those guys. Check out his blog and write a review. It will help you get a ton of traffic to your own blog!

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Anonymous said...

Hi, I found yr blog via John Chow, i took art in batch 66, i got some traffic but not as much as i expected!
Currently i am in the process of building links and have came up with my own quick and easy solution for exchanging links. It works purely for PR and Technorati ratings thats why i have omitted anchor text.
Below is a link to the post and how it works if your interested in swapping links


All the best


Anonymous said...

I saw your review on John Chow's site today and wanted to know if you would be interested in a review exchange. Please visit my site for for review exchange rules, let me know if you are interested in a review exchange.