If you are a newbie you may not know that posting on internet marketing forums is a great way to learn about this industry. It is also a nice way to network with other internet marketers.
Forums are places where you can learn free of charge all kinds of stuff that you can pay tons of money for (we all know those expensive e-books that purport to teach us about internet marketing).
I like to spend some time in the morning and in the evening, just catching up with what's going on on the various forums. Posting to forums is also a great way to drive traffic to your site or blog. You probably found this blog through one of the forums.
One bit of advice: Before you go charging in to a forum to try to advertise your product or site, please read the rules of the forum. Most forums do not allow affiliate links. Some allow them in your signature (most, actually). Spend some time posting before you try to sell stuff to people. Otherwise, it's very, very annoying to the old timers and you'll miss out on the biggest benefit of belonging to a forum, which is building relationships with people/potential customers.
Here is a list of some forums that I have found helpful and where I am known to hang out:
The Warrior Forum
The Warrior Forum is probably one of THE best forums out there today. Lots of serious internet marketers hang out there and you can get an entire education from hanging out there!!
Conquer Your Niche
Conquer Your Niche is a revolutionary forum where you actually get credit for posting and reading posts. These credits enable you to display your ads in the forum. The latest rage!
Work at Home
The Work at Home (Whydowork) forum is more of a forum where people who are just starting out go to. It's a place where you can get ideas about how to make money on the internet.
Work From Home Moms
Like its name, this forum is geared more to work at home moms, but anyone can join. The people on the forum are often people with real niche businesses as opposed to internet marketing businesses.
Mike Merz's Newbie Forum
A newbie forum. Lately, the moderators have not been doing their jobs, so there is TONS of spam on the forum. Very annoying, but it has the potential to be a good forum.
Craig Desorcy's I'm4Newbies Forum
This forum is part of Craig's I'm4newbies site. Craig is an American living in Japan who is dedicated to helping newbies. It's still a very small community and therefore it is possible to get some personal attention and help from Craig. Craig is so nice, that when I told him about my blog and asked his opinion, he made me a 10 minute Camtasia video where he critiqued my site. What a guy!!
Joel Comm's Adsense Chat.com
Nice little forum dedicated to discussing all the various Adsense issues. I joined it because I purchased Joel Comm's Instant Adsense Templates. There are people there with alot of site building experience and I always get good advice there.
Clickbank Success Forum
As its name suggests this forum is all about Clickbank. Run by Clickbank expert Harvey Segal. I don't go there often but it is a wealth of valuable information.
Here is Mike Merz's directory of forums. It's not the most updated in the world, so not all of the links work but it'll give you somewhere to start.
Internet Marketing Forums
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Hello Dena. I hope you receive this message. I saw that you posted a question on the Mom's Making Money at Home website...The question was inquiring if anyone had experience with SITE BUILD IT. Did you purchase it? I too, was looking into the program. I have NO experience/knowledge regarding internet marketing. Any suggestions?
Hi Dena. I like your blog and I think I'm in the same boat as you -- internet marketing beginner. Also, I wanted to point out I think you're missing the biggest internet marketing forum of all -- forums.digitalpoint.com. GL and I'll be staying tuned.
Hi Dena. I like your blog and I think I'm in the same boat as you -- internet marketing beginner. Also, I wanted to point out I think you're missing the biggest internet marketing forum of all -- forums.digitalpoint.com. GL and I'll be staying tuned.
Hi Dena. Thanks for the info about the forums. I'll check up on noah's suggestion too. Cheri, I have experience with SBI when it was in the early stages. I know next to nothing about the internet back then so did not use it's potential until it had grown to the present stage when I can no longer afford on my pension funds. I'll definitely use it again when I have made some from the many affiliates I joined. I have enough material and a bit savvy now to maximise returns from SBI. Back then, using it's tools I managed to build a page which climbed the alexa ratings without me doing anything. With my present site, if I lapsed a bit, it sometimes disappeared from being mentioned. Our job is just to write good content using the guide and tools and they'll do the marketing.
very informative. thanks for the tips...
Online marketing is an excellent career to consider if you want to work at home.kindly let me know sites that hire indian undergraduates as tutors thanks
Thanks for the great information about where to go to get good information.
I saved them. Good for you to finally get out of the rat race.
I have been in this internet marketing "game'' now for about 6 months and it has been rough. I can certainly empathize with all the newbies which is why I made my blog just to help them out with free stuff and links and articles - things that helped me. I am still building it with all my bookmarks full of stuff but it is good to see a site like yours here. The more resources the better, kudos to you for providing it.:)
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