Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Affiliate Marketing 101

It's after 11:00 at night and I have had the absolute hardest day at home with my family.
But I will not go to sleep without posting something to my blog, so here it is.
Affiliate Marketing. What's it all about?
I sure didn't know until after I bought Holly Mann's book which is really geared towards beginners Breathrough Money-Making Secrets Revealed
As a matter of fact, I didn't know much of anything till I started to go through all the topics in the book!
Affiliate marketing is the way to get started, even before you have a website or a product of your own to sell.

Basically, we are talking about selling someone else's products and collecting a commission on them. You can do this even if you do not have a web site yet.
The way to do this is to open up an account with Clickbank (
Clickbank is the "middleman" who has listings of vendors and products that you can be an affiliate for. You sign up with Clickbank and get a free account. Then, you browse through their 10,000 products and choose which ones you want to promote. Then, Clickbank gives you the url that you need to send potential customers to. When a person clicks on that url and winds up making a purchase, you get your % of commission. The actual percentage is listed in Clickbank with the listing of the product. If you are not familiar with Clickbank go on over and check it out. Even if a person does not purchase right away but within a certain amount of time (I think maybe 3 months??? Please correct me if I'm wrong) you get your commission because Clickbank keeps track of who referred the customer (with cookies).

Here is an excellent guide to affiliate marketing which you can download for free. (There is alot of free stuff available on the net!)
Have a look.
Free Affiliate Course from SBI
That's it for today....G'night

1 comment:

Dena Gottlieb said...

אין לי עדיין בלוג בעברית.
נראה לך שיש לזה ביקוש בארץ?
האם אתה מכיר אנשים שעוסקים בשיווק באינטרנט?
כל טוב