Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Rich Jerk - Product Review

Hello Folks.

Today I am going to post a review of TheRich Jerk. For those of you who don't know, he's the character whose shtick is basically that he tells everyone how lazy and rich he is while putting everyone else down.

The Rich Jerk's book The Rich Jerk provided a very pleasant surprise. I fully expected to be turned off by his annoying attitude and language after reading his site. Instead, I discovered a book which is very well written. No marketing hype or fluff. Just pure information about how to succeed as an internet marketer. The Rich Jerk (actor, Kelly Felix, if you must know…) has such an obnoxious website, that I was sure his book would be equally obnoxious. Not so. This book is absolutely loaded with valuable information that would take years to implement. It is written in a very blunt and amusing manner. The Rich Jerk does not talk down to his readers like I was sure he would. He just tells it like it is. He is one smart cookie.

Topics Covered

He covers topics such as how to create an affiliate website that sells like crazy, creating ppc (pay per click) strategies that kill your competition (including Google Adsense and Adwords), search engine optimization strategies, creating and selling your own information product, ebay and more. He gives examples of websites that have earned him $1 million each. He recommends other online ventures. He also has an entire chapter geared toward the beginner. There is stuff in this book that I had never encountered in the other books I've bought.

The book is absolutely loaded with information and it is not surprising that it is one of the MOST successful e-books on the web.

Is it for Beginners?

I'm not sure that I would recommend it to complete newcomers, though. I would recommend having just a bit of background before diving into the Rich Jerk's Book. I read it after having just a few months of experience on the web and I was able to appreciate it much more than I would have had I read it straight out when I started internet marketing.


One thing I was not too crazy about in the book is that The Rich Jerk recommends things like "promising the world and then under-delivering". He recommends trying to appear as an "unbiased 3rd party" and then recommending only the products you are promoting. As a person who was burned by a site like that when I was newbie, I am particularly bothered by that idea! He recommends certain "black hat techniques" and explains how to use them.
These are the things that bothered me in the book.

That being said, there is still a wealth of valuable and important information in there. You can just disregard all the unethical stuff. You may make less money, but at least you'll be able to live with yourself!!!

In case you're interested, The Rich Jerk has made an unbelievable amount of money from the techniques he teaches in his book. He really is rich and, yeah, I think he really is an unethical jerk. But so what? I can simply take what I want from the book and leave the rest!

Is the Book Worth the Money?

Is this book worth the money? Absolutely. You can make the money back very quickly if you follow the Rich Jerk's advice. Also, there is a 90 day money-back guarantee. I say "Go for it". You won't regret it.
The Rich Jerk

P.S. I have bought books that I've been very sorry about and have wanted to return. This book is a winner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Review! Thanks!