Monday, September 04, 2006

Wow. This stuff sure is confusing.
It seems like there is so much to know if you want to succeed in internet marketing. There's putting up a site. There's making sure you get traffic to your site. There's capturing leads so that you get a proper mailing list going. Then, there's having an autoresponder and the need to send out quality emails to keep your potential customers happy and willing to keep receiving them. There's Search Engine Optimization, without which you won't get visitors to your site the FREE way.

Then there is paid for advertising like with Google's Adwords. That's really scary stuff. You can go broke bidding on keywords if you don't know what you're doing. Of course, there are plenty of programs advertised on the internet that teach you how to use paid advertising, but they also cost money.

Let's break it down for a minute.
I want to sell something. Either my own product or someone else's product. So, if I want to start out selling other people's products I can become an "affiliate" for one or more products. Once I am an affiliate I get a url which I can use to send people to if they want to buy one of these products. If the person clicks on the link and makes a purchase either that time or within a few months (I'm not sure how many) I get a commission on their purchase. The amount of the commission depends on the conditions that the merchant offers.

Now, there are ways to promote these affiliate links without having a site, but, quite honestly, I find that it's hard to get anywhere (really) without one.

So, the next step is to build a web site. More on that next time.....


Kathryn Beach said...

Hi Dena,

Thanks for visiting my blog and being such a sweetie! I agree I think we are two peas from the same pod or some such thing. I'm going to read some more here and then see if I can figure out how to blogroll you. (It's the little things that take so much time, eh?!)

Kathryn Beach said...

Blogroll means just what you said. There are ways to make it sort of push button but I can't remember how that works (grin) so I just put a link to here on my blog. Low tech can be so much easier.

Dena Gottlieb said...

בוריס, אין פה קרן. יש פה רק "דינה".
וכן, אני יודעת עברית!!!
אין לי (עדין) בלוג כזה בעברית.
זה בתכנון.
נראה לך שיש דרישה לזה?